Rejoice! The Lord Is Near!

Philippians 4:4-7

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Rejoice! The Lord Is Near!

This one really hit home this week. I don’t know if it was a touch of seasonal affective disorder, sleep deprivation, dopamine addiction, unresolved grief, undiagnosed depression, or just generally having a hard day, but I found myself driving down St. Albert Trail choking back tears. I was by myself. No one thing had precipitated that kind of an emotional response. I was just suddenly very sad.

I’m thankful for the work that some film and content creators have done to help destigmatize depressive feelings during the holidays. Charles Schulz did it with Charlie Brown back in 1965:

“I think there must be something wrong with me, Linus. Christmas is coming, but I’m not happy. I don’t feel the way I’m supposed to feel. I just don’t understand Christmas, I guess. I like getting presents and sending Christmas cards and decorating trees and all that, but I’m still not happy. I always end up feeling depressed.”

There’s a new Netflix movie that captures it well too.

“I always think that Christmas is like an emotional magnifying glass. If you feel loved and happy, Christmas will make you feel even happier and more loved. But if you feel alone and unloved, the magnifier gets to work and makes all those bad things bigger and worse.”

Christmas is supposed to be a time for holiday cheer, and in many ways we work hard to accomplish it – we listen to Christmas music on repeat, we wear festive outfits, we go to special concerts, we put up seasonal decorations. And those things help. But even with the most holiday cheer, you can go throughout your day without true joy in your heart.

Today is Gaudate Sunday – literally from the Latin: “Joy Sunday.” That’s why we lit the pink candle in our Advent wreath. That’s what we heard from the Apostle Paul, not once but twice,

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”[1]

And Paul doesn’t leave it just at joy. He tells us to be gentle too, and anxiety free. Be gentle, not only with the people you have a soft spot for, but with everyone! Be anxiety free, not just about some things but about anything and everything.

That’s certainly not how I felt as I was driving down St. Albert trail earlier this week. I’m sure you’ve been there too. There are countless things that threaten to rob us of the joy God offers, the gentleness he commands, and the freedom from anxiety he invites us to enjoy.

There are so many outward circumstances that make joy seem like an impossibility, e.g. financial issues, medical complications, relationship problems. There are internal emotions that make joy feel like the farthest possibility, like the guilt you feel at not being the Norman Rockwell parent/spouse/child/friend of the year.

It’s the same thing with gentleness too, isn’t it? Gentleness has so many enemies that are so constantly present – frustration, anger, resentment, bitterness. You turn on the news for 2 minutes and there will sure to be something that sparks outrage in you. We’re so busy this time of year, what about just plain exhaustion? You don’t have the patience or resilience to respond calmly or kindly. It feels like your nerves are sitting on the surface of your skin and the slightest contact will set you off. There are internal threats to gentleness too, like an insecurity about your job or relationship status, your bank balance, your haircut, your past; and if someone goes there and pokes the bear, he can so quickly and easily inspire you to become defensive or incite your inner rage monster, instead of being kind and considerate.

And anxiety? Forget about it. There are so many things that we can’t control – world peace, the job- or housing-market, whether someone likes you or not. We can live in the constant fear of shame and embarrassment. You know the humiliating and humbling things you’ve done, and you’re worried how other people will look at you if they find out. There’s just plain uncertainty and such a vast range of possibilities about so many things in life. You could probably handle any one of them at a time, but the prospect of handling all of them indefinitely is enough to send anyone spiraling.

If I’m honest, I almost resented Paul for making it sound so simple and obvious:

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”[2]

I’d love to! But you don’t tell a sad person, “Be happy,” and then walk away. You don’t tell an angry person, “Calm down,” or an anxious person, “Don’t worry,” and leave it at that. And Paul doesn’t do that here either. He gives us two very good answers to what ails us and reminds us that the power to be joyful, gentle, and anxiety-free is not something that comes from you or me. It comes from the Lord, because the Lord is near.[3]

For only being four words, this one sentence packs a punch. We’re in the season of Advent. When we hear a sentence like this at a time like this, it’s very natural for us to think about Jesus’ second coming on the Last Day, and that’s certainly something Paul wanted his original audience to think about too. “The Lord is near” means that Jesus is coming again soon, and that is an absolute God-send when it comes to being joyful, gentle, and anxiety-free.

Jesus is coming again soon! At the very least, that means that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel; that this too shall pass; that you won’t be going through whatever you’re going through forever. I’ve said it to myself a number of times and offered it as advice to others, “You can do anything for a year.” And it’s true, isn’t it? You can move away from home and everyone you know and love, and live in a dank, dark basement apartment with earwigs and roaches… if you know you’re not going to live there forever. You can wake up on the hour every hour throughout the night while your baby is teething… if you know he won’t always be cutting new teeth.

You can do anything if you know it won’t last forever. It's only when things seem interminable that they become intolerable. “The Lord is near” means that nothing is interminable. Everything has an expiration date. Jesus is coming again soon.

And what he’s coming again to do gives us even more joy and empowers us to be even more gentle and anxiety-free than just knowing that our pain and problems won’t last forever, because Jesus doesn’t just provide an end date to our troubles. He addresses them head-on and resolves them.

Is it guilt that robs you of joy? Is it insecurity that prohibits a gentle spirit? Is it shame that stokes your anxiety? Then remember what Jesus did for you the first time he came to this world. He took on human flesh and blood with its frailties and weaknesses. He faced the same temptations that you and I do – the same threats to being joyful and gentle and anxiety-free. He knows what you’re going through. He’s walked a lifetime in your shoes. But Jesus rose above the temptations. He overcame the threats – not primarily to set you an example to follow, but to set you free from guilt and insecurity and shame.

Jesus was born at Christmas so that he could live a perfect 33 years and die an innocent death to forgive your sin, to resolve it once and for all by suffering the penalty for it on the cross, so that it should never hang over your head again. And that was 2,000 years ago! This isn’t some future promise that we have to wait patiently for! It’s not a light at the end of the tunnel; it’s ours now! It’s the grace that we get to live in every day of our lives because of what he did with his.

That’s why Paul says, “Rejoice in the Lord.” This isn’t some arbitrary seasonal sensation. This isn’t a circumstantial joy. It doesn’t depend on the situations or the people in our lives. It’s constant in Christ, who is near. Jesus is coming again soon – this time not to save you from your sin; he already did that. This time he’s coming to deliver you from a sinful world and all its complications.

Was it financial issues or medical complications that was robbing you of joy? Was it frustration or exhaustion that stole your gentle spirit? Was it the uncontrollable or the unknowable that spun you out into anxiety and worry? Then remember the promise he makes you about what he’ll do for you when he comes again.

He is coming again to take you home to be with him in heaven where there is no more weeping or mourning or crying or pain.[4] And we could add on to that list, couldn’t we? In heaven, you won’t have to worry about your bank account balance; you’ll be rich in Christ. You won’t have to worry about relationship problems; you’ll be with your brothers and sisters in Christ gathered in your Heavenly Father’s home. You won’t be exhausted or burned out, because you’ll be enjoying eternal rest at your Saviour’s side. You won’t have to worry about the uncontrollable or the unknowable; you’ll be in the presence of the omniscient, all-powerful God forever.

The Lord is near. Jesus is coming again soon. But Christian, don’t miss this: he’s near now too. He promises us that wherever two or three gather together there he is with us.[5] We hear his voice whenever we read his Word. We feel his love whenever we celebrate the sacrament. Our Jesus is not some distant or disinterested God. He doesn’t force us to make a trek or pilgrimage to go to him. He comes to us in Word and sacrament. He invites us to present our requests to him in prayer every day – to cast our cares on him because he cares for us.[6]

The Lord is near. That means that there’s an end to all current pain and problems. That means that your Saviour who solved the problem of your sin and secured an eternal home for your soul is coming back to take you out of this world to be with him forever. And not only that, he is near now while we wait for that day.

That’s what makes his peace so great. That’s what makes it boggle our minds and transcend all understanding. It doesn’t depend on the circumstances or situations we face. It doesn’t demand certain baseline criteria be met for us to be able to be joyful, gentle, and anxiety free. His peace does what he promises; it guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Now, that doesn’t mean that you’ll never have a day when you’re emotional for no reason. It doesn’t mean that you’ll never feel like Charlie Brown at Christmas. But it does mean that despite the ups and downs of life, despite the outward chaos and inward turmoil, you have the steady, constant presence of Christ in your life. Nothing can change what he has done and will do for you. You have the promise that he is near now and is coming again soon. You have the promise that he makes peace possible, and with it also the ability to be joyful, gentle, and anxiety-free in him even when that seems impossible in this world.

The Lord is near. Rejoice in him. Amen.

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.

[1] Philippians 4:4

[2] Philippians 4:4

[3] Philippians 4:5

[4] Revelation 21:4

[5] Matthew 18:20

[6] 1 Peter 5:7